Archives Stories

Android 12 for nokia 3.4 Available

android 12 update nokia
Nokia 3.4 users will be glad to know that the Android 12 update is now available for the device. With this update, users can enjoy the latest features and UI changes that come with Android 12

Papers Please Now Available Mobile

papers please for android and iPhone
The game was super well-received when it came out and is seen as a great example of how video games can be art. Papers, Please has won BAFTA game awards in the Strategy and Simulation categories -

Alder Lake VS Apple M1 MAX

this story is all about intel 12th generation processors which are now officially called Alder lake -apple m1 max vs alder lake we also discus that

Best Bitcoin Mining Calculator

Bitcoin Mining Calculator or you can say the best BTC mining calculator is here with lots of improvement’s where you can get are your queried answered with this BTC calculator you can actually know

Ethereum Mining Calculator

Ethereum Mining Calculator
Ethereum Mining Calculator is an essential thing if you want to mine ETH with our latest mining calculator you can see how much profit you can actually make -

How to Pass SafetyNet in 2021

universal safety net 2021
How to bypass or pass google safetyNet in 2021 - pass ctsprfile mismatch or device is not certified in Android 8 to android 11

Free Cloud Boost For crypto tab browser

crypto tab free cloud boost
Free Cloud Boost For crypto browser or crypto tab browser is cloud service where you get an optimized hash-rate speed on your mining for example if you have a speed of 1000/Hz and you applied x2 boost

Jailbreak IOS 14 Unc0ver On Mac

Jailbreak IOS14 with UNcover
How to Jailbreak IOS 14 Unc0ver Mac os and mac devices guide is here in few simple steps you should be able to jailbreak any devices which is running ios11 to ios14 using uncover jailbreak APP