Top 5 Ways to Fix Core Web Vitals

core web vitals update fix

Top 5 Ways to Fix Core Web Vitals are Essential now after the latest update We are getting from google which will be implemented from May 2021 As a ranking Factor For Websites in Google Search. means we need better website speed to rank better simply Many people are worried about This Latest Update ABout, Google Core Web vitals 2021, As most website owners Don’t care About website Speed or page speed index & most of them are at shared or cheap web hosting provider which isn’t enough for better Core web vital results we will cover and let you know the top 10 ways for free to improve your website page speed score for WordPress & other CMS Lets Get started –

How to Check Website Speed And Core web vitals

you can check core web vitals and website speed index scores By google & official way Just Click here head Over to Page Speed insights By Google put your website on the test there & Check The Results if your website Scores Between 0–49 then Its a Bad Core web Vital result & you should Fix your Website Speed As Soon As possible if your Website Page Speed Score is between 50–89 Then this will consider as A Moderate score and google won’t de-index your website but there are warnings that you should take seriously and fix them. And If you are lucky enough to Score between 90–100 Then your website is perfectly Optimized for the core web vitals 2021 update and you should relax

How To Get Better PageSpeed Scores in 2021

1. Get a good Hosting

If you are getting Reduce Time First Contentful Paint (FCP)? Not all hosting providers are equal. A cheap hosting plan on a shared server is not going to respond as quickly as dedicated hardware. you should consider upgrading your shared hosting to dedicated or if you are using WordPress only then simply go for WordPress hosting that is perfectly optimized for WordPress CMS Only That will definitely help you to get rid of this Most common core web vital problem –

2. lazyload your images And Videos

Lazyload implement will delay an image from loading until the user has scrolled the viewport to where the image resides. Reducing the elements needed at page load will dramatically Affect speed and you will get better results for lazy load videos and images there are plugins like lazy load YouTube smush and many cache plugins natively supports this amazing feature also

3. Combine and minify CSS & JS

Combine and minifying CSS & JS is another very handy option where you can minimize the usage of CSS and java scripts for this you can use CDN like cloud flare sonic cdn and many cache plugins like wp rocket ,w3 cache and many more out there

4. Maintain your redirects

too many redirects will affect the page speed you should avoid them for that you use the force https always option Many plugins, and even some hosts, have options to force https before the page loads so that you can bypass the redirects

5. Caching & Gzip Compression

Cache Enabled websites will get better page speed scores because of cache version already decreases the load on your website server & a good CDN service will provide you with a better cache option with an origin server option and serving your website from the nearest location will improve the speed of the website & reduced PING You can Also enable cache And GZip Compression With Cache Plugins A compressed version of the website will save lots of bytes

Bonus: want to know about the best cloud mining websites check here

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