How To Remove Powered By GeneratePress in the free version of great WordPress theme is the main topic of this amazing article for amazing super-fast WordPress most fastest and optimized theme for page speed index as you know after the latest update of core web vital now page speed is core of SEO and webpage so if you gonna optimize your website which is hosted at WordPress cms you will definitely search for an optimized theme that automatically reduce the requests to the server and have the lowest impact on your website server, in that case, the GeneratePress is great option to consider where this theme delivers the best speed for your WordPress website with lots of other options like page builder support and many other amazing options that can make your website gorgeous so you can simply search in theme store by WordPress and install & activate the GeneratePress now as you know everything is not possible in free versions so you got typical footer credits in GeneratePress theme by defult which you can remove easily by upgrading to the premium version of your theme which will also unlock the more other handy options also but what if you dont wana upgrade GeneratePress to the premium version and just wants to remove GeneratePress credits from footer then there is way to achive that you can not only remove the footer credit in GeneratePress theme also you should be able to add your own text in GeneratePress footer so lets get started make sure to folow the exact guide we are providing below and backup before playing with themes always makes things easier in case you got anything wrong while code editing in GeneratePress theme –
code to remove footer credit GeneratePress
Step – 1: Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
Step – 2: Navigate Appearance > Theme Editor
Step – 3: Go to Theme Functions by clicking functions.php
Step – 4: Go to the last line
add_filter( ‘generate_copyright’,’tu_custom_copyright’ ); function tu_custom_copyright() { ?> YOUR TEXT HERE <?php }
Step – 5: Paste this code. , replace the line “YOUR TEXT HERE” according to your website name. Then update it. That’s it now clear the cache and see the magic -if you wonder about the fastest WordPress themes then have a look here –
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