pubg mobile time limit fix
pubg mobile age limit solution
pubg time limit solution
pubg mobile 6 hours restrictions
In This Amazing article we will tell you how you can fix the pubg mobile time limit – recently if you don’t know the pubg introduce time-based restriction at pubg mobile so in many countries like Pakistan, India, and many others gamers are now forced to restrict their gameplay to 6 hours only so for that You need some workaround to make this annoying thing fix – after successfully follow our guide you will be able to play as much as you want pubg won’t restrict your gameplay but notify you only to take care of your health stuff – So Let get started how to fix pubg mobile time limit
- Open Pubg Mobile And Tap settings
- now here you will see many options
- for their scroll down to 2nd last option, which is other
- Now in gameplay management Just Click or select yes (Age 18 or above) if it’s already yes then don’t play with that button you are good to go now you will get only notified but won’t be restricted anymore-
- Note – These Settings can be changed after 15 days only so be careful while changing these pubg settings
- You May Also follow our video guide below for a demo of this article
PUBG Mobile time fix Video
pubg mobile time limit solution guide to fix recently imposed time based restrictions which will prevent you to play over 6 hours