Nvidia 470.05 beta driver download

Nvidia 470.05 beta driver download

Nvidia 470.05 beta driver download is so important for miners and home miners because last month Nvidia put rtx3060 on the backend by degrading the mining process for Ethereum and other mining coins – Miners are not happy and getting really bad hash rates with the latest NVidia drivers but the good news is that you can now unlock the full potential of your RTX 3000 series by installing the leaked beta driver which will definitely unlock the full power of your RTX 3060 or Any other RTX 3000 series card just download and install the driver and happy mining –

Nvidia Driver 470.05 Download link

  1. Download NVidia 470.05 beta driver From here
  2. Extract the RAR file
  3. uninstall any previous version of nvidia driver and restart your machine
  4. install the driver and restart your system
  5. Happy mining

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  1. I did as I said and my machine continues to mine at 20mHs, can you tell if you need to do something else?

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