Call of Duty Mobile BEST Sensitivity Settings With Gyroscope

call of dutycall of duty mobile sensitivity

Call of duty mobile best sensitivity settings guide is here where you can get better and pro Sensitivity Settings for cod mobile – these settings will give you better cod mobile experience with full control over the game- these settings are for mobile and tablets so if you are using emulator then its not recommended – if you feel difficulty after applying these cod mobile sensitivity settings then you may change these to lower or higher according to your devices or gameplay style Or just apply these settings and play and stick to these settings for a week at least then you will control cod mobile better – cod mobile gyroscope sensitivity settings are also shown in this video hope you will like that – also includes BEST Sensitivity Settings for Gyroscope cod mobile so these settings will also helps you to aim and use gyroscope better like 180 degrees turn and fast moments should be no issue in cod mobile anymore so you can battle with your friends or enemies better we will also include the video guide where you will get all these sensitivity settings done – lets get started

Open COD Mobile and head over to settings and then tap sensitivity settings Now From here you can see just select 120 in acceleration value then check the fixed speed that will give you constant speed in-game it’s very important and NO1 step for cod best sensitivity –

Now scroll down to camera sensitivity settings

From there change the settings to the given below

  • Standard sensitivity = 90
  • ADS sensitivity = 90
  • Tactical Scope sensitivity = 140
  • Sniper Scope sensitivity = 40

After That scroll down more and change these settings at the firing sensitivity

Now Here Change The Firing sensitivity to these numbers

  • Standard Sensitivity = 70
  • ADS Sensitivity = 87
  • Tactical Scope Sensitivity = 110
  • Sniper Scope Sensitivity = 39 or you can go above if your aim is faster in sniping –

Now Finally The best gyroscope Sensitivity settings for COD Mobile are here

Now here you have to change these gyro settings for call of duty mobile

  • standard sensitivity = 100
  • ADS sensitivity = 100
  • Tactical Scope sensitivity = 90
  • Sniper Scope sensitivity = 30

Hopefully, with these sensitivity settings for call of duty mobile you will get better results for you we also include the video guide on this checkout below –

cod mobile best sensitivity settings video

Call of Duty Mobile BEST Sensitivity Settings video

if you just installed the cod mobile you need the best-optmized settings you can have that by reading our dedicated blog post on that here


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