Best Wp Rocket Settings For WordPress

Best Wp Rocket Settings

Best Wp Rocket Settings for WordPress To pass Latest Google Core Web Vitals Update Are In demand After the latest Core web vitals and google page speed inside udpates are rolling out very quickly And the ranking factor is very much depending on how much is your website is optimized & ready for core web vitals to deliver the optimized and faster user experiance as we know Google Always encourges Webmaster To optmized thier content for websites go for reliable faster page load experiance for END USERS we know most of the web is powered BY WordPress CMS and most small websites are using cheap shared web hosts for thier content as we know cloud and dedicated hosts are premium web servives & not cool if you are a budget webmaster for handling small web projects in WordPress but at the other end if you are using a shared host that is a cheap way to host websites in the single server where lots of other websites are hosted in one main server but limits should be there if you are at shared hosting like limited resources limited speed and storage options make a shared hosting not So great option for speedy wordpress website but thats not the End of sahred hosting Every problem has A soulton & we got the soultion that can not only optmize your websites for shared hosts for speed BUt also helps you to achive the higer Core Web Vital Scoores & latest page speed inisights we will use A simple cache plugin that is called WP-Rockt which will use to optimize your websites for core web vitals and page speed insights for thier latest google updates Best Wp Rocket Settings For WordPress in upcoming years & latest page speed insight updates can be vital for almost every wordpress website which is lokking to optimize and want to achive faster user experiance in google page speed inisghts where you can get almost 100/100 score if you folow our settings for sure

The Ideal WP Rocket Settings 2023

Wp Rocket Best Cache Settings

To achieve the best Wp Rocket Settings For WordPress After Installing And Activating the wp rocket plugin you should see the dashboard As a welcome screen just scroll down to the cache option and configure the wp rocket cache like below

  • Enable Caching for Mobile Devices
  • If you are Google AMP then you should also enable a separate cache for mobile devices
wp rocket best cache settings
  • Scroll down to Cache Lifespan and set that to 24 hours or 1 day as this will reduce the server load by re-creating the cache after a few times so 1-day span is an ideal option for wp rocket cache life span- and click save

WP Rocket best File Optimization Settings

If you want to achieve Best Wp Rocket Settings For WordPress Now Scroll down to File Optimization Settings of wp rocket you will see the CSS Files Section enable the following options for optimal CSS performance –

  • Enable Minify CSS files
  • Enable Combine CSS files
  • Enable Optimize CSS delivery
  • Select Removes unused CSS (Beta)
wp rocket best file optimization settings
  • in the JavaScript Files section
  • Enable Minify JavaScript
  • Enable Load JavaScript deferred
  • Enable Delay JavaScript execution & click save changes

Wp rocket Best Media Settings

In the media section, you will see the lazyload label under that you should enable the following settings

  • Enable for images
  • Enable iframes and videos
  • Enable Replace Youtube Iframe With Preview image
  • Scroll down and click save changes
Wp Rocket Best lazyload settings

wp rocket best preload settings

Now Scroll down to preload settings you will see lots of options there enable the following below mentioned –

  • In Preload Cache activate PRELOADING
  • Preload Links Enable preloading links
  • IN Prefetch DNS Requests add the URLs you want to prefetch early
  • In Preload fonts add the URL of your Fonts if Any otherwise leave it as it is and click save changes
  • You will see Advanced Rules section after this leave as it is
  • After that database section just check to optimize Tables click save changes and optimize

Best Cloudflare Settings for wp rocket

Best settings for free Cloudflare can make your website really fast to integrate your website with wp rocket + Cloudflare you need to Enable The Cloudflare Add-On in wp rocket so both wp rocket & Cloudflare can work together seamlessly to enable that click on add-ons then scroll down and enable Cloudflare Then Click on modify options then you will see Cloudflare credentials Fill them & then scroll down again click save changes this will integrate the Cloudflare with wp rocket Make sure any other Cloudflare plugin is not activated or used while this After successful integration Enable Optimal Settings then click save changes again this will turn on best Cloudflare settings for WordPress and wp-rocket

Enable Cloudflare in Wp Rocket

And at the end, you will see image optimization settings follow the settings & install Imagify that’s a free plug-in to compress the images of your WordPress website but if you are using image CDN or another plug-in to optimize your images then no need to install Imagify simply scroll down and click save changes wait for few mins and Test your website at Google with PageSpeed Insights you will see better scores Hopefully this time-Best Wp Rocket Settings For WordPress should help you in google core web vital and page speed insights If you got any question related to Best Wp Rocket Settings For WordPress just comment below we will surely love to help you,

And If you want to setup Image CDN Cloudnary then have a look here

2 thoughts on “Best Wp Rocket Settings For WordPress”

  1. Pingback: Setup Cloudinary With WordPress | Best Cloudinary Settings

  2. Pingback: How to optimize core web vitals on shared Hosting | Score 100

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