pubg new state redeem codes

pubg new state redeem codes

pubg new state redeem codes are here just after the biggest yet mobile battle royal experience game got out for now Pubg new state got so much hype in recent times as almost 40m people download the latest and revamped version of pubg mobile which is now called pubg new state the game is well optimized and lighter then old pubg mobile where we see almost 9GB of storage occupied by game but this pubg new state only occupied 3GB of storage in case of android we can see Krafton is behind the massive mobile hit instead of Tencent games this time we already got many servers like we can see south Asia, Asia, Europe, MEA servers by default many to come as expected as you know the game is very popular already among mobile gamers so we got many ongoing events like pre-launch events Halloween pubg new event and many more to come But The most popular pubg redeem codes are there with pubg new state redemption center where you can redeem new state codes –

How to Redeem Pubg New State Code

just like other pubg mobile games you can easily redeem pubg new state redeem code by visiting their redemption center here just click here to visit the official pubg new state redemption center fill-up the required fields and hit redeem button that’s it –

pubg newstate redemption store

Pubg new state december 2021 codes

Redeem CodeReward
HTDS78FTU2XJ M416 Gun Skin
P8HZDBTFZ95U Sniper Skin
Q12KARZBZYTRNew Parachute or Crates
Y12KARBYD2ERBP Coins and Crates
INUTRE97YU3NFree Crates
OJI87YUHITEE2New Parachute
  • 8CUY84RG25OKW: Unknown free rewards
  • 7IV1P1KLLOUKV: Unknown free rewards
  • 6PSXNVN241BTG: Unknown free rewards
  • 35KQXI8C6IH8: Unknown free rewards
  • DDSJJCZCDZ9U: AKM skin code
  • HTDS78FTU2XJ: M416 skin code
  • BDGRAAZBZJGS: M416 orange skin code
  • P8HZDBTFZ95U: M416 skin code
  • Q12KARZBZYTR: Kar98 skin code

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